Aladdin Sane (Blue), 2014
Hand-pulled four color screenprint on paper
17 5/8 x 16 7/8 inches (45 x 43 cm)
Edition of 65
Signed and numbered
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We all know when Invader comes to town as wonderfully colored mosaics pop up in places we did not see them before. This time, it's a bit different, as Taglialatella Galleries is hosting an Invader show called "GAME ON! The Art of Invader'' on May 11th.
According to their press release, "GAME ON! The Art of Invader" will feature a large sample of the artist's published prints, videos of his missions, and some works and unique photographical imagery on consignment from private collectors.
Invader is the pseudonym of the mysterious French urban/street artist whose work is modeled on the crude and simple pixelations of 8 bit video game characters. The art mosaic is usually composed of square ceramic and glass tiles forming images as small as 10 or 12 inches to as large as 8 or 10 feet. As I understand, Space Invader generally travels from city to city leaving his mark on the streets with images inspired by video games, cartoons, comics and other well known icons of pop culture.
In New York we have colorful pizza mosaics, faceted diamond friezes, massive ninja turtles, and more than 100 pieces blessed upon us by this mysterious artist. Keep your eyes peeled as you walk through the streets in Manhattan and Brooklyn as the art is often in plain sight.
I was lucky to have a moment with Nikola Mihajlovic, the Director of Eastern European Operations of Taglialatella Galleries, to provide some info behind the show that we thought our audience would want to know.
Invaders pieces are so very colorful and unique to his voice, how did you acquire these pieces for this much anticipated show?
Many of the pieces belong to the gallery and have been acquired through the years. Some are on consignment by private collectors, to share the art with the public. And we want to present them in such a way as the artist would in terms of alignment and style.
How long did it take to acquire the pieces for the show?
The art work has been accumulated over the years through the many different gallery releases. The consignment items are from collectors who want to share with the world the intricate tile mosaics.
How many pieces are in the show?
Close to 60 pieces are displayed for the public to view.
Do the viewers rack up any points from the game app flashInvaders with the pieces in the gallery?
The pieces are mainly rare prints, an Alias piece (a reproduction of an actual piece that is installed on the streets), and some original pieces on loan.
How do you feel about street art that has been taken off the streets and put into galleries?
It is well known that the artist believes firmly that street pieces belong on the streets. As with Invader's mantra we feel street art belongs on the street and allow the public to enjoy the art as the artist had intended.
What is your main goal of the show?
We mainly want to invite and introduce the art to new art lovers and also provide an outlet for his immediate fan base to see the art up close.
Like the Parisian exhibit, and in honor of the artist’s playful imagery, the mission of Taglialatella Galleries will be to present the art in fun-filled environment for all to enjoy. Invader has been quoted to state the “Game is not over!”, so we say GAME ON!
Read more on Sold Magazine's website: Game On! The Art of Invader at the Taglialatella Gallery